Sunday, April 06, 2008

I'm Getting Married

Well hello there. I'm getting married.
Weston and I finally set a date.

August 15, 2009.

I am very happy and excited.

Pardon the lack of commentary, I'm sick right now so I can't think of much. But we're having a lot of fun talking about it.
Curently my mom is on vacation so she doesn't get home until tomorrow night. I called her to tell her. I can't wait to talk to her about it in person.
My dad seems okay with it, but a bit nervous. But he's the same one who protested us falling asleep together in the same room or bed. So it makes sense.

We got some good advice from a friend of his family-- Don't care what anyone thinks. At the end of the day, all it is is you and the other person. Don't let family interject into your relationship. And expect people to get highly opinionated near the date of the wedding. Don't let it discourage you.

I look forward to it, very very much. It makes me want the year to go by faster.


Anonymous said...


I thought of the very same date for my own marriage. Funny, ain't it?


Tanya said...

Thank you very much. :)
Oh wait, are you getting married, or are you just joking with me?
And you're always so prompt with replying even when I haven't written anything in months. How do you do that?

Anonymous said...

No joke! We've been together for a few months already, and we are convinced that "if it's not [him/her], it can't be anyone else".
Pretty dumb, ain't it?

It's been a while without any news, ain't it? ^.^

And for the replying thing, just call it talent... Joking, i'm at work, call it luck!
