Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Become Color Blind

I find an extreme importance in color blindness.
Because you need to stop assuming there is a difference.

I look at the 'not specified' in a race statistic of a school, and I'm almost disappointed. Because then I don't know whether or not the admission is color blind. Or maybe not even that; I more don't know how well we are doing in becoming color blind. Or perhaps I just enjoy a visual image. Which creates an irony. Because in the perfect world, there would be no need to specify race.
You can specify what country you are from, because it provides some cultural information. You can provide maybe information like, how many siblings you have. But what race you are being separated is the most ridiculously pointless thing there is on this planet today.

Which is why the word 'multicultural' sometimes makes me very angry. Why? Because it acknowledges color as a part of culture.
Which it is not.

You know why? Not every asian in USA is from Asia. Not every hispanic speaks Spanish at home. Not every American is connected to their US heritage.
In the United States, it is safe to say, that we are all American. And for that reason, because we have come from so many places in our ancestry, we should notice color the least.

Why? Because it does not say one thing about a person.
You cannot determine how someone will act based on their race. It would be ridiculous to assume that someone who looks like they are from outside the US are indeed from outside the US. So why do we still act like races for some reason are separate in their cultures? In a way that is similar enough to be separated into simple categories?

I'm proud to say, I don't notice or care about race. I don't notice it. I notice how you dress, how you act. I am very annoyed that no one catches on that this is important.
Instead, we have people trying to amplify their race. Separate. Minority.
We do need to fight against racism and against minorities being treated differently. But one step forward and backward is those who accentuate their race as an important fact of their lives.

We should not respect different cultures based on race. We shouldn't assume anyone's culture based on their race. We shouldn't have races that have groups, because races shouldn't hang out with only each other, and they shouldn't act like they have everything in common.
Because they don't. Just like I have very little in common with the white person next to me.

This is something people need to start doing. Don't notice race. Don't talk about it. Don't think of people as things besides individuals. You can describe them visual by their race, and that's it. Just like I can point out someone who is blond. But it says nothing about them, their culture, their heritage, or their personality.
So don't assume a thing. You won't know until you meet them.

That is an important world to make. It's not important to have evenly balanced races attending schools. It's important to allow a variety of cultures into schools, and to not discriminate against different cultures. A person is not related to their race. So Universities making it easier for different races to get in is ridiculous. Because I don't think that race makes anyone different from each other.
So it's just buying more into racism.

Get me?

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