I swear Wess' friends will be the death of him.
On his own he has enough on his mind and enough to bother him.
Last night at 11 PM my time and 2 AM his time, Rebekka's boyfriend broke up with her and she went into a near-suicide state.
So far he's dealt with 5 suicide threats from friends.
I know it's 'cruel' and 'mean' of me to act annoyed at people who need help, acting like he should turn them away or something.... But WHY Wess? For god's sake. Can they not see he's not doing the best himself? They have to put it all onto him? Do they have to stress him out more than he is already, give him the obligation to be their constant source of advice and help?
It just makes me sad knowing the pressure he goes through and having this shit added to it. I want him to be at peace for just a day or two and his friends create an endless drama in his life, to the point of him not wanting to wake the next day, wondering what will happen next.
Pisses me off quite honestly.
Leave him the hell alone, would you? Would you do him a favor back sometime??!
Maybe if it made him feel good to help people I wouldn't be so distraught. But the thing is, he feels like shit either way, and it doesn't help in the least.
I haven't spoken to him all day. He was up all night, and he gave up on trying to stay awake all today...
I'm just sick of it, you know? I'm not sick of his sleep patterns, I'm not sick of him, I'm sick of them and the endless things that they push his way. Just all the unnecessary stress they put on him.
I want Wess to be happy. And all of it makes him unhappy. Therefore, go to hell, or find someone else to whine to all day.
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