Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Kill Me

Kill me so I won't have to do it myself.
Kill me before my dreams do.
Kill me before the regrets swallow me alive.
Kill me before I have to do wake up again.
Kill me before life slaps me with more realities.
Kill me so I won't be a coward.
Kill me so I won't take the weak way out.
Kill me so I can't hurt anyone anymore.
Kill me so I will never say another selfish word.
Kill me, suicide is selfish.
Kill me, everything I do is selfish.
Kill me so I won't see another day.
Kill me to make it stop.
Kill me to stop the tears.
Kill me so he can be with someone more deserving.
Kill me so I can just once scream aloud.
Kill me so the weight may be lifted.
Kill me before I say another word.
Kill me before my heart tears my life apart.
Kill me before I want to kill myself.
Kill me so grades won't matter.
Kill me so I won't spew more of this.
Kill me so I won't plague anyone any longer.
Kill me to stop the pain.
Kill me so love doesn't.
Kill me and set me free from this regret..
Kill me so I won't harm.
Make it stop.
Make me stop.
Make me stop.


Malicious Shadow said...

You're not allowed to die.

Tanya said...

Shut up shut up shut up I'm not going to die I just wish someone would kill me so I won't bother anyone