Friday, July 07, 2006

My Cat is Calling Me

She's telling me to go to bed. Hopped on my lap then on the table, back down. Guess I should be going then hmm?
Hard to decide. Future pet- bunny, ferret, or bunny? Besides the already owned cat.. Hm. (she's coming with me, for sure)
I was grocery shopping and I saw a fake wedding cake.. Made me think, 'wow, I have to choose that too huh'. Maybe I should start mapping out our wedding. Two years early? Hm.. Eh, some things.
I'm really out of shape so I'm going to exercise tomorrow morning (if I wake in time) and drink water, and sorta map out my food. Eh.. Try, try. I figure I may as well make use of my summer break and attempt to get something self-rewarding.

God. I'm so tempted to take a nice long baaaath.. On mom and I's insane 'grab-everything-you-want' grocery trip at 11 PM tonight, I got some nice new bubble bath stuff. And my aunt randomly gave me bath salt while my teeth were pulled; Maybe she didn't want it? She tends to give spare things that she thinks I'd like. Bath stuff.. <3 I like the smells.. The smells are the best. I also love the completely clean feeling you get when you bother to take a while. I'm so inspired to take a bath at 2 AM (now) and clean my room and make everything -fresh-! I guess my mom will be like 'whatever' about it. I'm staying up late anyway so... Wouldn't hurt to make use of it? Ahhh the cleaning spree feeling.
I need to write down a daily 'must do' list so I'll be more responsible. Like my pills, I need to quit forgetting. I forget and take it a bit late, just hours late but still.
Also I need to make that sign up sheet.. For the Theadora where I'll be working.. Mmm.

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