Thursday, February 02, 2006


Tanya's pissed and stressed, can't you tell?
So I guess I'll go take a nice bath. Bubbles <3 Haha.
Baths are nice. But I have a strange pet peeve/paranoia with murky water. For whatever reason murky water in the bath really bothers me. So I tend not to take baths regularly, as I dislike to wash my hair in it. Yeah, being blind to the water beneath me just.. bothers me, even knowing nothing's there.
As a kid I was afraid a fish was hiding in the water somewhere. So I'd always run my hands through the water many times, all around to the bottom.. And I still do.
I just dislike that space behind me in the tub. Feel vulnerable, like something could be behind me, just where I can't see. Funny little childish fears I have. Well, I'm a child at heart.. I never grow up.

Funny how Wess has some of the same dumb fears, like the whole ankle grabbing thing. But he's crazy for horror... so.. it doesn't make a lot of sense.

I love you Wess. T__T I'll say that again. Fucking hell I miss you.

Anyway baths are niiiiiice. I like bath crap.. Like bath confetti. XD Smelly junk. Just makes you feel nice. Just all 'I'm clean and I smell like flowers and it's pretty ^__^'. I have to feel like a girl sometimes, I do have the girly side to me. In most ways I'm a tomboy, but that's only because I'm not willing to bother with the trouble of wearing pretty heels and uncomfortable and hard to run in clothing. I'd rather be wearing loose boy pants and be able to move my legs without feeling so constrained.
Sometimes I do enjoy being totally girly though.
Bath stuff is one of them. Soaps and candles and bath roses and weird ass fun bath things.
Waterpets! I remember them, do you? I remember the ads.. I had one. Oh fuck where did my waterpet go.. T__T Did we throw him out?
Waterpets waterpets, ooo wow oh waterpets, waterpets! Doo doo doo..

He was cute. I liked it a lot. What happened to them..

Anyway, I'll go enjoy myself now. Bye.

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