Friday, January 06, 2006

Love, Romance.. Beautiful

Says the one who has never felt someone's touch, never had lips upon their own..
Never held hands, never hugged, never kissed. Yet I can say this- It feels great.
Though being unfelt and distant, it does little. It only makes the long awaited meeting of us, when we can finally feel the meaning behind each other's words, hear each other's voice, see each other's face.
Love grows with distance, and I can see why. I'm in love, and it's grown from air.
I don't need to feel him, I don't need to see him, I don't need to hear him, I can love him with the absence of all that makes him.
Love is blind. Love is without limits. Love grows each day we're apart.
I love him with the very minimum, the so very small amount I have. I require nothing but his words that reach from afar.
Which makes me feel amazed. Because I could love him so much more. He's not even here, and I love him this much. I've never seen him, never felt him. Yet I can love him with all my heart.
With time grows anticipation, and promises and laughter, what we'll do, say, how we'll kiss, smile.

just need someone to hug in my head
Haha aw...-wraps his arms around you, keeping you close- I'm sorry I can't be there
you will be soon enough
-nod- Yup and then you can hug me and kiss me and never let go if you don't want to
^__^ a good hour

It's still beyond my length of thought of what it'd be like to have someone to cuddle/kiss whenever I please
-Laughs- Soon enough :)
You don't have to let go if you dont' want to :P just let me use the restroom freely
XD wouldn't it get in the way when you're wanting to do something? *laugh*
Haha -kisses the top of your head- nah :P
XD yay
Think we'll be inseparable?
lol, possibly, at least attached by hand
I'll have to randomly pause to kiss you randomly when walking places :P
-Laughs- That'd be cute, I wouldn't mind :P

Hm...well I could meet your parents and your family (dreading to meet Alex) we could hang out in downtown, go shopping, see movies, hang around in whatever park or large area of nothingness you have XD, we could just walk and talk, we could hang out at your house and I could whip you at video games, we could get mooshy and lay and cuddle at night and look at the stars and the clouds, we could do silly things in public, I could meet your friends if you'd want me too (total nervousness XD), um... That's all I can think of at the moment
you know what my ideal first date is? (it's weird)
'my ideal first date is in a box, on a hill or in my backyard on the garage roof or something, cuddled up sleeping outside watching the stars' XD
-Giggles- It's weird but it's really cute and quite romantic sounding XD
oh yes, and if we had drinks, swirly straws XD I like being childish :P still have all my dolls and teddies and everything
Hahaha, you're a little girl at heart :P

Cuddling would be nice ^___^
yees :) I love cuddling it's so warm and nice -^____^- and I like the safe happy feeling you get
Hehe, apparently I keep warm >.> people like my hugs (or so they've said)
haha well most people are warm to hug :P
Hehe, yeah but when you're hugging a big guy it's like a hugging a bear ^___^ and you'll always be protected when I hold you :)
hehe ^___^ love to imagine it :P
So do I, it's a nice daydreaming type feeling
I daydream a lot, lol everday on the way to school and back, I think of you :P
:D I think about you on and off throughout the whole day. You just randomly pop into my head XD or when I'm about to go to bed / wake up in the morning
XDD I walked home today, when I was getting tired and bored I started humming under my breath 'Wessy Wessy Wessy Wessy I love Wessy Wessy Wessy Wessy Wessy"

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