Friday, January 27, 2006

Ten Minutes

Laughing. "nooo~! No no no let go~!~ haha" She pulls at my jacket. "No wonder you're cold, your hood's wet!!" She continues to tug at my jacket "ahhh no let go I'm cooold.." I cling to my jacket, but she manages to yank it from me even so. "Now it's time to go downstairs!" "nooo! I wanna write!!!" "If you write you're gonna be like 'waah' and such so let's go scrapbook!" "I'll be like 'wah' either way!" "Scarpbooking is better. Move." She pulls my chair and I curl into a ball and try to detach her hands from the arms of the chair. "Give me five minutes!!" "No way! You said eight!" "But I want to wriiite!" She pulls me by the legs out of the chair and I cling to it with my arms wrapped around it. "I'm not going!"
"Fine! Ten minutes! What do you want me to do, pour a bucket of water on your head if you stay longer?" "No way" "You're done by 8:16! And I mean done!"

So here I am with five minutes to type.

When I said on my other site with a laugh, 'haha Wess you were right about me being an idiot to think other guys didn't have interest'... I'm not happy.
Honestly, I am not going to move on from him.

I am not cannot. If I do, well, amazing. But I want HIM and I want HIM ALONE. I want my dear Wess. I don't want some hot guy to sweep me off my feet. I want the one that was there when I needed him. I want Wess.
I don't want anyone else.

I will not. Wess, I will not forgive you if you find someone else and move on, if I still love you by the time everything is straightened out.

I love you. So fucking wait for me, please.
Please come back someday.. Please find me. Please stop at my door and surprise me. Please.
If not I'll have to find you.. Somehow save up enough money to go to New York, be overwhelmed and afraid because of the crowds, be stressed... Find you. A whole ticket for one simple question... Do I still have a chance? Is your heart still mine to break?

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